Harper Meyer is thrilled to announce two significant milestones in the firm. It is with great pride that we announce Partner Jeff Hagen‘s election to the Executive Board of the International Law Section of The Florida Bar (ILS) as Vice-Treasurer for 2024-25. This is a significant recognition of Jeff’s unwavering dedication to the field of international law. His exceptional leadership skills and commitment to the ILS’s mission have played a pivotal role in this election, underscoring his influence in the field.

Equally significant is the promotion of Partner Laura Reich to the position of Secretary of the International Law Section of The Florida Bar. This promotion not only reflects Laura’s individual achievements but also emphasizes her deep commitment to the ILS and the sharing of experience, knowledge, and practices to support the proficiency of international law practitioners.

These developments are testament to Harper Meyer’s leadership in the field of international law. As we celebrate these accomplishments, we are reminded of the collective effort and commitment that fortify our standing as a leader in the industry.

Congratulations to Jeff and Laura on their new roles!